Monday 12 January 2009

Windy Weekend

As I am not sure when the new arrival will appear, I decided that it would be good to run the Drymen to Beinglas section of the way on Saturday.  What a day to pick for it.  After a month of lovely cold crisp clear weather Saturday's forecast was heavy rain and strong winds.  Also as part of my new training plan I would do a sandwich session.  This would involve running the day before.

So on the Friday I was up at 6am to run 14 miles.  As usual my normal efficient planning ended up in me not leaving until 7am and only running 11 miles.  After the run I felt great and full of energy.  I think that shortly I may be able to run the whole 18 miles to work.

On Saturday I met up with Rob who would be running the 30 miles with me.  Also along for a shorter run was Athole, John, Robert and Joe.  We set off at 9am with Rob complaining that I had made him park 500 metres down the road and therefore 500 metres longer running.  Within the hour we were on top of Conic Hill and the wind was horrific.  I could feel the skin around my eyes flapping in the wind and I was bent over 90 degrees as I tried to push against the wind on the way down.  A few hours later Neal would have the same issues which he also posted in his blog.

Halfway between Balmaha and Rowardennan at bang on 10 miles it was just Rob and I as the rest had decided to turn back.  It was about now that the rain started and with the wind, things were starting to feel unpleasant.  We had arranged to meet Kas, Rob's fiance, in Rowardennan but a mix up by Kas on where the West Highland Way went meant that we missed her.  We later found out that she had bumped into the rest of our team, lost.

Once we got to Inversnaid we were thorouly wet.  To make matters worse this sections was slippy and very wet.  With only two miles to go I was really starting to get cold.  My hands were completely numb, I was soaked to the skin and the drips were running down my back.  We reached the Drovers Inn but Kas wasn't there yet.  We stood frozen for 10 minutes before deciding to go into the packed pub and stand in front of the fire leaving a puddle where ever we went.  Kas arrived soon after and was upset at missing us.  Today was training for runners and support.  I felt really bad for her because she felt so bad but she was doing us a big favour.  By now my hands had finally thawed out enough so I could now have a pint of beer.

29.8 miles in 5hrs 40 mins

Today was Debbie's first day on maternity leave.  By 8am she was bored already and when she switched the TV on to be confronted by Mr Motivator she had lost the will to live.  Great news for me though as I came home at night to a big cuddle, home made soup and a lovely dinner.  No new baby yet though.

{Edit: Debbie also got up first thing in the morning to make my breakfast and lunch.  Who said having children is the end of your life.  I'm loving it.}

We have a new website that we will post when the baby appears.  Just go to to check out all the latest news and pictures.

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Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

Hey Marco
Great to read about your run! Poor Kas..still Kas-directions-HELP.
R x

Davie said...

Good to see something gets you blogging again. But can't access new site from your link. Am I barred?

Marco Consani said...

Hey Davie,
Sorry about that. I have fixed the link now. Should work for everyone.
Hope you are well.

Debs M-C said...

I knew it was going to go horribly wrong when Kas phoned me to find out how to get on the WHW from the Ben Lomond carpark.

You forgot to mention that I also made you breakfast and a packed-lunch.


Marco Consani said...

Sorry Debs. I have now edited my blog. :-)
