Monday 9 March 2009

Balloch to Clydebank Half Marathon

8th March 2009

The Start

This half marathon has put me in some what of a dilemma. Should I tell the truth or not? Evil me says no and the good me says yes.

It all started last week. I had a terrific run on the WHW and I knew that Thomas would be wanting to get one back on me this week by beating me in the half marathon. He was running the Inverness Half and I was running the Balloch to Clydebank. It is my PB race so things looked good for me, but I have concentrated on doing less races this year. Thomas on the other hand has been doing a lot more races and been getting very good times.

Let me set the record straight - and I am sure that Thomas would agree with me. We have a very friendly competitiveness. We never gloat and I am sure if one of us got injured or hurt the other would stop. We are running brothers.
And so to the race. I met a lot of old Garscube faces and a helluva lot of new Garscube faces. Thats what happens when you haven’t been about in a while. I am sure they thought the same when they saw me, the imposter in a Garscube top who is never at training. Shock horror though. Stephen Mulrine was running a half-marathon. To be fair he was once an ultra distance runner and now after a period of time on the dreaded track he was back to distance runs. Also running today my brother Paul. He already had two PBs this week. One for a 20 mile race last Sunday and one for a 5k on Friday. Could he make it three?

So off we went. I was trying for an average pace of 5:50 and for the first seven or eight miles I was bang on and feeling great. Well within myself and slowly overtaking people. Stephen Mulrine was miles in front of me. Good on the track and good at distance.
Debbie and Paul’s girlfriend Gillian were spectating and giving me support. They would meet me and Paul at different points and cheer us on. Thanks girls.
Apart from them the whole route was lined with supporters. Garscube people, Millies (Davie) and WHW. I felt very popular.
By the 11th mile my pace was dropping. I was now averaging 5:55 with heavy legs and no way that I was going to increase that back up to 5:50’s. Resigned to that fact my pace slowed even more and two Bellahouston runners overtook me.I gathered my self together when another runner overtook me with half a mile to go and I mustered enough energy to pass him just before the end.

I was tired at the end and glad it was over but within two minutes I felt I could continue again. Race finished and no injuries or pains. So that was a result but my time according to my watch was 1:18:36. Two minutes behind last year. I was gutted but it wasn’t really unexpected as I am not training for half marathons. That is my plan for the second
half of the year. Stephen finished in 1:15:27, a fantastic time and Paul finished in a NEW PB of 1:31:56. Three PBs in seven days. Well done Paul.

The WAGs are waiting (Thanks to Davie for photo)

I texted Thomas and a few other people. Thomas replied later to say that he got a new PB. 1:18:31. Well done Thomas. That was excellent. Silke also got a fantastic time 1:51:59. She is faster running than on skates now.
So Thomas beat me by 5 seconds. He deserves it especially as it’s his 45th birthday. But then the official results came through and I can only think that it is a typo but my time is 1:18:26.

So I ask my blogging friends. Should I own up or should I tell Thomas that I beat him.....:-)

Paul sprint finishing the finish


Billy said...


Maybe you should split the difference and call it a draw? Good run, especially considering your WHW effort last week.

Thanks for the mapping link. It's pretty good and best of all, the site's not blocked by the internet Thought Police at work.


John Kynaston said...

Great run Marco.

Regarding your 'friendly' rivalry with Thomas ... there is only race that really matters!!!!


Thomas said...

Marco, I feel truly privileged that you call me (that crazy old German) a competitor!
I know that competition does not always get the best press but in our case it is purely friendly and inspirational.
And fun. Fun of course only for the party which is faster. Just kiddn ;-)
And yes, of course John is right, we should not focus on speedwork and make sure we get to Fort William in June in decent shape!

ianbeattie1 said...

Marco, you know what your actual time was. And it wasn't 1.18.26, despite anything the official results might say :)

Still pretty good, however. Don't underestimate the effect of the 31 miles the week before - at least that's what I'm telling myself after my slowest Inverness half marathon so far..