Saturday, 22 December 2007

'ice to meet you all

  • Distance : 24.60 mi.West Highland Way Sign

  • Time :  unknown (messed up the watch)

  • Weather : ICey cold

  • Equipment : Asics trubuco 10

  • Total for week 51:  44.97 mi.

    At last it was time to run another section of the West Highland Way with the guys.  And get a chance to run with Ian Beattie and John Kynaston.  I know Ian from working with him years ago, but I had never met John.  It was weird meeting him and felt like I was meeting a film star, as I had only seen (and heard) him on the internet.

  • Debbie and I were a bit on the late side for the run, so didn't get there in time for the photo opportunity.  Nevermind, as soon as we got there it was straight into the run. Just as well, as it was freezing.  The weather all week had been cold and now a front had come in bringing rain, which froze on contact with the cold ground.

    I started the run with the front group, but after stopping for a toilet break restarted at the back again.  Debbie was in-between the fast and slow group by herself, so I decided to run with her for a bit.  The route was treacherous and I was wondering how long it would be before someone got hurt.  A few of the group decided to call it a day but not Debbie and I.  Part of these runs is to increase endurance, but also part of it is mental toughness.  Not sure whether this run was increasing that or my stupidity levels.  By Drymen Debbie opted to  head straight back towards Milngavie, but I decided to run into the village and meet up with the fast group - who were having something to eat in the Pottery cafe.  When I got there they were just leaving so I got a flapjack and almond slice to take away.  It came in a fish and chip box, which must  have looked weird as I ran through Drymen

    I managed to get some time speaking to Ian and John and we spoke about whether it was a good idea to still do speed work while training for the WHW.  They are the experts on it and really did suggest that the speed training should take a back seat if you should do it at all.  I didn't really agree as the last time I cut back on speed sessions to concentrate on long runs I felt all my running suffered.  Not just short stuff.  I do agree that the long runs becomes more important though.  It is great being on these runs, because you get to see other peoples view points and although there are not any rights or wrongs there is better ways of doing training.  It's just a case of finding what they are because everyone is different and responds to the training differently.

    We passed Debbie at Dumgoyach where I started to feel that Gavin was picking up the pace.  (yeah Gavin, I am blaming you.  I am sure it was just as much my fault). 

    It felt great to finish off strong and I had the ultimate compliment from John at the end.  He said that I should aim for under 20 hours for the WHW race.  I couldn't believe it and was slightly embarrassed.  Now the pressure is on, I just hope I don't blow up.

    Some links to blogs of people on the run below.

    Debbies blog on the run

    Ian Beatties Blog on the run

    John Kynastons Blog on the run

    Tims blog on the run

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